Ad Network

For monetization purposes, we provide 5 Ad Network options with the switch ads method, you can choose the ad network you want to display in the application through the admin panel, you can change the ad network anytime you want. The following is a list of ad networks that are supported in this application :

  • Google AdMob

  • StartApp (

  • Unity Ads

  • AppLovin

  • Audience Network (Bidding Only) with AdMob or AppLovin as Mediation Partner

Especially for Audience Network, Audience Network will only use bidding for Android apps starting September 30, 2021. Placement ID from Waterfall are deprecated now. So, put Audience Network placement ID from admin panel is no longer used, you need to setup for Bidding with Partner Mediation. If you choose to use Audience Network Bidding, please select Ad Network Type to be AdMob or AppLovin, both Ad Networks support being a Mediation Partner although it's still a Beta version.

All ad network id units are placed in admin panel except AdMob App ID and AppLovin SDK Key, both ids must be integrated directly in android code inside res/value/ads.xml

Last updated