some features in the application can be enabled or disabled as you wish by giving the value "true" to enable, or giving a value "false" to disable, you can see on the java/<your_package_name>/config/ file
//if login register feature disabled, comment feature will be disabledpublicstaticfinalboolean DISABLE_LOGIN_REGISTER =false;//show one latest news as header viewpublicstaticfinalboolean DISPLAY_HEADER_VIEW =true;//show short description in the news listpublicstaticfinalboolean ENABLE_EXCERPT_IN_POST_LIST =true;//fixed bottom navigationpublicstaticfinalboolean ENABLE_FIXED_BOTTOM_NAVIGATION =true;//show total news in each categorypublicstaticfinalboolean ENABLE_POST_COUNT_IN_CATEGORY =false;//video player orientationpublicstaticfinalboolean FORCE_VIDEO_PLAYER_TO_LANDSCAPE =false;//date display configurationpublicstaticfinalboolean ENABLE_DATE_DISPLAY =true;publicstaticfinalboolean DATE_DISPLAY_AS_TIME_AGO =false;//display alert dialog when user want to close the apppublicstaticfinalboolean ENABLE_EXIT_DIALOG =false;//enable view count in the news descriptionpublicstaticfinalboolean ENABLE_VIEW_COUNT =true;//set false to disable copy text in the news descriptionpublicstaticfinalboolean ENABLE_TEXT_SELECTION =false;//open link in the news description using external web browserpublicstaticfinalboolean OPEN_LINK_INSIDE_APP =false;//GDPR EU Consentpublicstaticfinalboolean USE_LEGACY_GDPR_EU_CONSENT =true;//load more for next news listpublicstaticfinalint LOAD_MORE =15;//if you use RTL Language e.g : Arabic Language or other, set truepublicstaticfinalboolean ENABLE_RTL_MODE =false;