v4.2.0 to v4.2.1


Recommendation :

A complete reinstallation project is required. See FAQ for more detail.

Advanced :

From latest update version of Android Studio project, copy the files below, then, paste and replace the code to the same location of your previous Android Studio project (v4.2.0)

- activites/ActivityNotificationDetail.java

- build.gradle (Module: AndroidNewsApp.app)

If you have reskin the project and change the package name, most likely the project will display error after you replacing the files, to fix the error, you must fix and rename the package name in each file code with your package name, so, do it carefully and it would be better if you have experiences in Android Programming, if not, reinstallation project is recommended.


From latest update version of PHP admin panel code, copy the files below, then, paste and replace the code to the same location (v4.2.0)

- send-fcm-news-notification.php
- send-onesignal-notification.php
- send-onesignal-news-notification.php
- push-services.php

Last updated